Uploading and Managing Guides or Articles
How to add a Guide or Article
Navigate to My Guides & Articles in the left sidebar menu then click Add guide or Article.
You will now be able to add your guide by following the following steps:
- Add a title for your guide/article
- Then select a featured image, click the plus icon and choose your image.
- Add your content for the guide/article.
- Provide a Excerpt which summarises your guide/ article.
- Click to select your category and sub-category. (Use Ctrl + Click) To select more than one.
- Select the Game that the guide or article applies to.
- Select the Game platform
- Select the skill level.
- You can now choose other items to display with your article, such as your market place items.
Now that you have completed the following you may submit the Guide/Article, this will be pending and reviewed by a StackedGame team member.
How to manage a Guide or Article
Navigate to your sellers Dashboard, once you are there navigate to the My Guides & Articles tab in the left sidebar and click on Manage Guides or Articles.
Here you will see three tabs. Published, Pending, Drafts.
1. The published tab shows you all of your live guides or articles that you have uploaded and are live on StackedGame. Here you can View, Edit or Delete you guide/article by clicking on the icons on the right.
2. The pending tab, if you have just uploaded an article and would like to see it then click on the pending tab, any guides or articles that have not been accepted will be here. You can View, Edit or Delete them through here.
3. The draft tab, any guide/article that you have not completed or may be working on will show up here, here you can go back to finish them, view them or delete them.